Claudio Alegre

Claudio Alegre

CMO at TelaClaims. Currently testing, tinkering, and breaking assumptions, hypothesis, and beliefs about what works and what doesn't when growing a SaaS startup in the insurance space. Loves to swim, read, camping, pretty much all things outdoor! Claudio lives in South Florida with his wife and 3 boys.

What Happiness Looks Like For The Insurance Industry

Happiness has been the topic of continuous study, research, and general interest in the last few years. In his book, The Happiness Equation, Neil Pasricha observes: “But after years successfully helping people lead teams, lead businesses, and lead organizations, something…

Never Ask Clients What They Want

The problem with asking clients or customers what they want is that most often than not, they don’t know. And this is not because they are dumb or stupid, they’re not. It’s because they have a difficult time imagining what…

The Real Difference Between Time and Money

I promise you this isn’t a post about the mathematical relationship between these two. More like the personal relationship we each have with them, and as far as how this relationship goes, so goes our business and our lives. We…

Ep:001 – The First Episode EVER!

In this episode we get into the reasons why we started this podcast in the first place. It quickly deteriorates into a chess match between David and I, but not without addressing these key points first: Current carriers view of…