Category press

Never Ask Clients What They Want

The problem with asking clients or customers what they want is that most often than not, they don’t know. And this is not because they are dumb or stupid, they’re not. It’s because they have a difficult time imagining what…

The Real Difference Between Time and Money

I promise you this isn’t a post about the mathematical relationship between these two. More like the personal relationship we each have with them, and as far as how this relationship goes, so goes our business and our lives. We…

Rebuilding Your Home After a Disaster

By RONDA KAYSEN The New York Times SEPT 8, 2017 Catastrophe can arrive at your doorstep in any number of ways: A century-old tree could hit the roof, faulty wiring could spark a fire or a storm like Hurricane…

Insurers –Don’t Be Afraid to Embrace the Gig Economy!

When the name Henry Ford is mentioned, it is synonymous with revolutionary ‘invention’, adaptation or implementation of the moving assembly line. Many people have taken that to hyperbolic lengths, the creation of the ‘modern’ industrial revolution (please note that modern…